Visita Abbadia San Salvatore

Abbadia San Salvatore
Along the eastern slopes of the Monte Amiata!
The town takes its name from that of the Abbey and more precisely from the Latin “abbatial” that subsequently was changed to “abbadia”, suffering the influence of the local popular dialect. The Benedictine monks of the Abbey had many land and properties and for this reason came into dispute with the Aldobrandeschi family of Santa Fiora, who wanted to take control of the abbey away from the monks. Among the most interesting monuments in Abbadia San Salvatore we would like to mention the Abbey of San Salvatore, the church of Santa Croca, the Town Hall and the Mineral Park Museum of Monte Amiata. Among the many events that regularly take place at Abbadia San Salvatore of most interest is the traditional “Medieval Festival” that takes place in July. The event includes an historical procession, dances and duels that evoke medieval times.