Verdi's experience in Milan
Hi kids!
In Milan has happened a strange thing. Giuseppe Verdi, the famous composer, has lost his notes and cannot find them any more. And so Silvia, who is a dear friend of Verdi, has decided to organise a great hunt of the missing notes. She is certain to find the notes strolling the musical places where Giuseppe Verdi used to go to in Milan.
We need your help too! Are you so dauntless to join this enterprise and help her?
Silvia will take you in an experiential path entirely dedicated to children and their families, in curious and fascinating itineraries, following Verdi’s music “fil rouge” and living side by side a Cultural Music Itinerary
- Exploration of the places where Giuseppe Verdi lived
- Strolling on via Manzoni to the Piazza della Scala
- Visit of the Opera-House Theatre “La Scala” with acoustics test in the theatre
- Stroll until Castello Sforzesco and visit of the Museum of Ancient instruments
- Testing the eco at the Dolphin fountain (fontana dei Delfini)
- Exploration of the hotel where Giuseppe Verdi lived in Milan
- Visit to the cloister of Conservatorium and “music notes hunting”
- Visit at Ricordi Music School and music lesson